wrapping it up,,, story 5

As everyone else seems to take on new projects, hobbies and other exciting opportunities in the first months of the new year, I have had to scale down my ideas and turn down offers that I would otherwise have loved to take on. But such is life,, it does not always give two blessings at once. Just as I was picking up the pace with my art I take a long look at the calender and see my first baby’s due date coming right up. Hinting for me to take it slower, calmer and focus my energy into a new era of life. I have no idea how long it will take to find the balance between creating and family life but I do know I will be taking a short break for now. Giving myself some much needed room and time to just be and explore motherhood a bit before rushing back into art again. I find that creating is a much slower process for me than most in this social media era. I do not wish to create tons of artworks just so I have new material to post every week to stay relevant. I wish to create because something spoke to me and I had the urge to capture the thought and the moment,,, slow living is not something to be afraid of, everything will work out in the end if you let it flow.

I will keep you all updated when custom orders and art workshops are welcome again. Hopefully the spring and summer will bring new adventures !

Come and keep up with me on Instagram !!!

With great love,

– Brita