Autumn muse ,,, story 3

After months of not creating anything I suddenly found my muse again during the late autumn forest trip that I took with my dog Runa. A fresh breath of creativity flew into me with a new direction for art. I felt so happy to FEEL excitment for painting again,,

It had been too long since I picked up my brushes with a strong vision in front of me, knowing exactly what I wanted to create and why I wanted to create it in the first place. Paintings can always be beautiful but if they don’t have any emotions to give then they lack meaning to me.

In times like this when my muse strikes me the hardest I start to bloom like a spring flower awakened from my long slumber. Bursting with energy and happiness, needing to share it with everyone else around me.

This new autumn wind brought a bittersweet love into my soul. I just found myself as an artist again but soon the cold winds of winter would be here to bury it all under its blanket and take it away from me. So the only thing I could do was pick up my phone, take a walk in the forest, capture everything that spoke to me and get back to my cottage to transfer the feelings and memories onto the canvas.

The first piece I knew I wanted to create for my new collection was this stunning little fallen tree trunk with mushrooms growing out of it. The beauty of death may be too harsh for some people to understand and adore but I see it like it is. Without something dying you cannot have life itself, the circle of life is a balance which cannot be tampered with. I wanted to pay my respects to the nature and capture my ode for autumn,,

I dug out my battered brushes, brewed a pot of hot peppermint tea, made some light snacks and sat down in my living room floor to let my creative visions free. It came so naturally, like I hadn’t taken a long break from art at all. I could finally take a relaxing breath and lose the fear.

To many artists an empty canvas after a long break can be the scariest thing to conquer, and after taking my first brush strokes I knew I had this lynx under my paw. When I create a piece I usually prefer to do it in one sitting because in the next day my emotions may have changed and I won’t be able to finish it. I may do some details later on but the bulk of the painting must come at once.

I decided to add a little quirky detail to the painting, a silly green frog sitting on the mushroom enjoying his remaining time before winter frost. I guess I am a sucker for quirky hidden gems,,

Every artist has this old rugged paint bursh that does it’s job better than any new tool that you can buy. My favourite one has tried up with paint, straight as a stick but I love it the most ! It gave the painting a proper finish,,

I hope this simple nature piece brings you as much joy as it did for me,,

– With great Love, Brita